TITLE: Aiding domestic revenue mobilisation
AUTHOR(S): Strawson T & Ifan G
YEAR: 2016
ABSTRACT: The international community must ask how it can best support countries in mobilising revenue. This can be achieved by providing direct assistance to countries to overcome domestic constraints to revenue mobilisation. The focus on domestic revenues has increased and donors and international actors have made prominent commitments on aid for domestic revenue mobilisation. Aid for DRM is at a turning point - it looks set to grow as a mode of international-national cooperation and could make an important contribution to the SDGs. In 2013 there were around 600 aid for DRM projects, with $92.6m of aid spent on programmes whose primary objective was supporting countries' DRM and an additional $600.5m spent on projects in which increasing revenue mobilisation was an identifiable objective.
This report provides estimates of some of the key dimensions of aid for DRM and recommends how best to structure those systems and monitor their effectiveness.
For more information, see this Development Initiatives blog post.